Programme Overview

This element focuses on painting landscape en plein air and drawing from reference.
Techniques and Objectives include:
One-point, two-point and three-point perspective
Isolation and measuring techniques including using view finders
Use of different mediums including graphite and watercolours
Colour theory, mixing and neutralizing colours
Illusion of depth through tonal contrast
Influence of light
Comprising of both portraiture and self portraiture these classes equally encourage accuracy and expression through enhancing confidence and observational skills.
Techniques and Objectives include:
Comprising of both portraiture and self portraiture these classes equally encourage accuracy and expression through enhancing confidence and observational skills
Proportion and anatomy of the face and body
Life drawing and painting with clothed models
Colour theory focusing on skin tones
3D drawing
Painting techniques with water based mediums

Still Life
This part of the courses present still life from traditional, conceptual and expressive angles.
Techniques and Objectives include:
Mark making
Shading techniques
Influence of light
Composition in its classical and contemporary manifestations, from the golden ratio to conceptual art
Water based mediums including watercolour